Occupational Safety and Health Topic Pages

This site provides access to information about specific safety and health topics. Each topic page is divided into four categories of information based on the content: hazard overview; solutions; regulations; and learn more.

Hazard Overview identifies the principal hazards associated with that topic.

Solutions provides general guidance to the employee regarding the measures they can take to protect against the hazards and the procedures the employer should be implementing, as well as appropriate personal protective equipment. This includes links to applicable example safety and health programs, presentations and outreach services.

Regulations identifies which standards apply to this subject and includes Federal OSHA standards adopted by North Carolina and state-specific rules.

Learn More provides links to additional NCDOL information (e.g., publications and compliance directives) and how to obtain other interpretive guidance on that specific topic. 

Additional information on each topic can be found on the OSHAand NIOSH websites.

Alphabetical Topics Index

Tab/Accordion Items


Abrasive Blasting

Abrasive Wheels

Acids and Bases

Aerial Lifts

Agriculture Standards (29 CFR 1928)

Agriculture - Which Standards Apply

Ammonia/Ammonia Refrigeration


Amputations Special Emphasis Program (see also Special Emphasis Programs)

Amusement Device Safety

Antineoplastic Agents

Appropriations Act

Arboriculture (see also Landscape and Horticultural Services and Chain Saw Safety)

Arboriculture Special Emphasis Program (see Logging and Arboriculture Special Emphasis Program)


Autobody Repair and Refinishing

Avian Influenza


Bakeries and Bakery Equipment

Bases (see Acids and Bases)

Battery Manufacturing



Blasting and Explosives

Bloodborne Pathogens

Boat Manufacturing

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety


Bureau of Labor Statistics Injury and Illness Rates (see also NC Rates)

Byssinosis (see Cotton Dust)


Carbon Monoxide

Chain Saw Safety

Chemical Database (OSHA)

Chemical Exposure Health Data (OSHA)

Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances

Chromium, Hexavalent (see Hexavalent Chromium)

Combustible Dust

Commercial Diving

Communication Towers

Competent Person

Compliance Documents (see OSH Enforcement Procedures)

Compressed Air and Compressed Air Equipment

Compressed Gases

Concrete and Masonry Construction

Confined Spaces

Consensus Standards Assistance

Construction Program - Small Business

Construction Special Emphasis Program

Construction Standards (29 CFR 1926)

Construction - Which Standards Apply

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Cotton Dust

Cranes and Derricks

Crawler Locomotive and Truck Cranes