Public Records Request

Submitted by ichoyle on

To make a public records request, please complete the form below.

If you are media personnel making a public records request, please contact Erin Wilson, director of communications, at, Meredith Watson, public information officer, at, or John Mallow, public information officer, at

For boiler and pressure vessel records, click here.

Cost of Copies

There is a minimal charge associated with the release of documents, photos, etc., from NCDOL files.

Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 132-1 and 132-6.2, when assessing the direct, chargeable costs related to the reproduction of public records, NCDOL shall consider continuing requests for public records, related to the initial request from the same requester, to be a single request for such public records, regardless of the number of separate requests.

Applicable charges are as follows:

  • Hard copies: $ 0.10 per single-sided page or $ 0.20 per double-sided page.
  • $ 0.52 per CD or DVD; actual cost of USB flash drive/thumb drive will be dependent on the storage size (gigabit/GB); the minimum cost of a USB flash drive/thumb drive $6.75.
  • Actual cost of service for video or audio tape duplication or transcription service.
  • Payment in full must be received prior to the release of the requested documents.

NCDOL will waive the fee in the following instances:

  • One copy of an OSH fatality file requested by an immediate family member of a fatality victim or their attorney.
  • Copies of documents requested by local, state or federal agencies needing the information for their official use in a related investigation. (Note: This waiver does not apply to local or state agencies requesting a copy of their own investigation file.)
  • If the total final cost is less than $5.00. (Note: If the total final cost is $5.00 or more, the amount due will be the total applicable charges to include amount less than $5.00 [the initial $4.99]. This means those parties requesting documents are required to pay both the initial $4.99 and all additional copying costs including and above the initial $4.99.)

Extensive Use of Additional Resources

Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 132-6.2, if a request for public records requires extensive use of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance by personnel of NCDOL then NCDOL may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplication, a special service charge, which shall be reasonable and shall be based on the actual cost incurred for such extensive use of information technology resources or the labor costs of the personnel providing the services, or for a greater use of information technology resources that is actually incurred by NCDOL or is attributable to NCDOL.

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Area of interest
ASH needed information
The requested file is currently under informal conference or contestment, and this request is being made by the company or the company’s attorney?
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Device Location Address
Please be as detailed as possible.
OSH needed information
OSH The requested file is currently under informal conference or contestment, and this request is being made by the company or the company’s attorney?
Additional information needed
Mine and Quarry needed information
Company Name