OSH Division Statistical Reports
The OSH Division publishes several reports each year, summarizing OSH statistical data and Division performance. The reports include the following:
- Occupational Fatality Inspection Review (OFIR) - updated monthly
- OSH Most Frequently Cited Standards Report
- State OSHA Annual Report (SOAR)
The NCDOL Research and Policy Safety and Health Survey Section collects, reviews, refines and publishes injury and illness survey data for certification by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The data is used by the U.S. Department of Labor to provide an accurate measurement of the work-related injury and illness rates and demographic and case characteristics data on employees across the United States. The section conducts the BLS-sponsored Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) and the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII).
FFY 2023 and Forward:
The OFIR Report is compiled based on the event date by federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). The report lists only those workplace fatalities that were determined to be work-related per 29 CFR 1904.5 AND have been or are being inspected by the OSH Division. The report lists fatality inspections by the OSH field offices to which they are assigned; Asheville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington or Winston-Salem. Workplace fatalities that have not been inspected by OSH (e.g., some heart attacks, vehicular fatalities) are not included in this report, nor are workplace fatalities where the victim did not fall under the jurisdiction of the OSH Act of North Carolina (e.g., sole owners as they are not employees of an employer).
FFY 2022 and Prior:
The OFIR Report is compiled based on the event date by federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). The report lists only those workplace fatalities have been or are being inspected by the OSH Division. The report lists fatality inspections by the OSH field offices to which they are assigned; Asheville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington or Winston-Salem. Workplace fatalities that have not been inspected by OSH (e.g., some heart attacks, vehicular fatalities) are not included in this report.
Additional Information:
For more information about any of these statistical reports, please contact the Planning, Statistics and Information Management (PSIM) Bureau at 919-707-7838. Reports from prior years may also be available.
To obtain a complete history of each inspection, you may access the OSHA Database. Enter the inspection number of the investigation listed in this report. Any citations issued during the inspection will be displayed along with other establishment information.
These reports are based on the federal fiscal year. The federal fiscal year begins on October 1 (of the previous year) and ends on September 30 of the year listed below. Each report listed is accurate as of the date the statistics were run. Changes can occur as a result of informal conferences, settlement agreements or contestment of citations.
For more information about any of these statistical reports, please contact the PSIM Bureau at 919-707-7838. Reports from prior years may also be available.
To obtain the most frequently cited federal or state OSHA standards for a specified six digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, please access the OSHA Statistics and Data Web Page.
The SOAR provides a summary of NCDOL activities, progress and results towards accomplishing the previous federal fiscal year’s Annual Performance Plan goals outlined in the Strategic Management Plan. The targeted goals, objectives and planned emphasis provide the focus for NCDOL enforcement, education and training, outreach and administrative programs that would lead to the reduction of injury and illness in the workplace.
For more information about any of these reports, please contact the OSH Division State Plan Coordinator at 919-707-7805 or by email at Judyth Forte. Reports from prior years may also be available.