Ventilation is one of the most important engineering controls available for improving or maintaining the quality of the air in the occupational work environment. Broadly defined, ventilation is a method of controlling the environment with air flow.
What is the purpose of ventilation?
Industrial ventilation generally involves the use of supply and exhaust ventilation to control emissions, exposures, and chemical hazards in the workplace. Traditionally, nonindustrial ventilation systems commonly known as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems were built to control temperature, humidity, and odors.
Where can ventilation be deficient?
Ventilation can be deficient in confined spaces, facilities that have inadequate maintenance for their ventilation equipment, areas with high occupancies, windowless areas, and facilities operating to maximize energy conservation.
What can I do to protect myself?
If a specific air contaminant is known to be present, ask your employer if any air monitoring has been done and if so, ask for a copy of the test results. If you use chemicals, read the label and safety data sheet to identify what safety measures should be used and/or followed (i.e., respirators, fume hoods, local exhaust).
Additionally, the employer should ensure that an adequate preventive maintenance program is being followed for equipment and ventilation systems, especially in areas where air contaminants are known to be present.
What resources are available to assist employers?
Safety and Health Programs
These example programs, hazard communication, respiratory protection, and PPE and hazard analysis can assist the employer in the development of their programs. Other example safety and health programs are available for employers to download and adapt to their specific conditions.
Training and Outreach Services
The presentations on hazard communication, respiratory protection, and personal protective equipment are available to assist employers in training their staff. Each of these presentations should be modified to address site-specific conditions and hazards. Other example presentations are available along with pre-recorded webinars which can be accessed at any time.
In addition, the education, training and technical assistance bureau provides free online safety and health training and outreach services (i.e., speaker's bureau requests, safety booths) upon request.
Lastly, the NCDOL Library offers free safety and health videos (including streaming video service) and related research assistance on consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, NFPA, NEC).
Safety and Health Topics
Related resources can be found on the safety and health topic pages for respiratory protection, hazard communication, hierarchy of controls, abrasive blasting, chemical hazards and toxic substances, indoor air quality
Consultation Services
The consultative services bureau provides free and confidential onsite consultation regarding worksite safety and health hazards.
Which standards apply?
OSH has adopted the following standards which are applicable to ventilation in North Carolina. This is not all inclusive.
Note: Please also check the standards information and activity webpage to see if there has been any recent or upcoming regulatory activity on this topic.
General Industry
- 29 CFR 1910.94 - Ventilation
- 29 CFR 1910.107 - Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials
- 29 CFR 1910.132 - Personal protective equipment, general requirements
- 29 CFR 1910.134 - Respiratory protection
- 29 CFR 1910.146 - Permit-required confined spaces
- 29 CFR 1910.1200 - Hazard communication
- 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z - Toxic and hazardous substances
- 29 CFR 19126.55 - Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists
- 29 CFR 1926.57 - Ventilation
- 29 CFR 1925.59 - Hazard communication
- 29 CFR 1926.103 - Respiratory protection
- 29 CFR 1926, Subpart Z - Toxic and hazardous substances
- 29 CFR 1926, Subpart AA - Confined spaces in construction
Maritime, Shipyard Employment
- 29 CFR 1915.51 - Ventilation and protection in welding, cutting and heating
- 29 CFR 1915.154 - Respiratory protection
- 29 CFR 1915, Subpart Z - Toxic and hazardous substances
- 29 CFR 1915.1200 - Hazard communication
- Refer to
Recording and Reporting
Other Applicable Standards
The Which OSHA Standards Apply webpage can also help identify other standards that may be applicable to your worksite.
Where can I learn more?
Industry Guides
- Industry Guide 48 - OSHA Construction Industry Standards Requiring Programs, Inspections, Procedures, Records and/or Training highlights the requirements of standards related to ventilation in construction.
- Industry Guide 49 - OSHA General Industry Standards Requiring Programs, Inspections, Procedures, Records and/or Training highlights the requirements of standards related to ventilation in general industry.
- Industry Guide 53 - OSHA Shipyard Employment Standards Requiring Programs, Inspections, Procedures, Records and/or Training highlights the requirements of standards related to ventilation in shipyard employment.
Compliance Documents
- OSHA Technical Manual (TED 01-00-015) provides technical information about workplace hazards and controls to OSHA’s Compliance Safety and Health Officers.
- FOM Chapter 15 - Industrial Hygiene Compliance provides guidance on industrial hygiene procedures.
Technical Assistance
- Inquiries about workplace safety and health requirements can be submitted to Ask OSH online or by phone at 919-707-7876.