What's New at Your Library

New Video Titles

Please contact the Library (dol.library@labor.nc.gov) for information on new streaming videos available through our subscription to Streamery [and any questions concerning online (streaming) safety and health video access].

New Book Titles

30 CFR: Mineral Resources: Metal and Nonmetal Edition... (call #: KF 3574 .M5 C63 2022)
Mine Safety Associates, 2022

2021 OSHSPA Report: Grassroots Worker Protection (call #: HD 7654 .G73 2021) 
OSHSPA, 2022

Employer Rights and Responsibilities Following a Federal OSHA Inspection (call #: HD 3665 .E47 2023)

Occupational Exposure Sampling for Engineered Nanomaterials (call #: TD 196 .N36 O23 2022)

Reducing Workplace Violence in Gasoline Stations and Convenience Stores (call #: HF 5549.5 .E43 R43 2023)

Simple Solutions for Dusty Environments at Metal/Nonmetal Mines... (call #: TN 312 .S56 2021)

Small Business Safety and Health Handbook (call #: HD 2346.U5 .S63 2021)

Online Resources

NIOSH Publications and Products
Online publications on a variety of safety and health topics.

OSHA Publications
New and popular online federal OSHA publications.

NIOSH Videos
Videos that address topics such as stress, workplace violence, etc.

OSHA Videos
Short videos that address topics such as the OSHA inspection process, construction, fall protection, respiratory protection, silica, trenching and excavation.

Toolbox Talks Video Gallery
Short videos in English and Spanish addressing various topics (e.g., confined spaces, electrical safety, fall protection, hazard communication, heat stress, ladder safety).