How to Borrow Books
The NCDOL library's print collection consists of approximately 12,000 volumes and are provided as a free service of the N.C. Department of Labor. These materials cover a wide variety of labor-related subjects with special emphasis on occupational safety and health topics. Most of our print titles are listed in the NCDOL Library Online Catalog (via NC Cardinal).
Please note: Public patrons may borrow up to five items at a time, as long as they are in good standing (i.e., returns books by due date, return books in good condition) with the NCDOL Library.
Frequently asked questions about the NCDOL library print collection are listed below. If you have other questions regarding the library's services, please contact Nick Vincelli, NCDOL librarian, at 919-707-7880 or by emailing
The library lends books and some electronic material to registered library patrons in North Carolina. We do not sell any materials; however, publisher or vendor information is available upon request.
Only N.C. Department of Labor employees can check out standards such as ANSI or ASME. However, the public may visit the library to review standards in our collection.
There is no charge to check out books. However, borrowers agree to pay return shipping for materials returned by mail and will be billed for replacement of material not returned to the library.
To request a book or other non-audiovisual item, contact the library by calling 919-707-7880, (1-800-NC-LABOR) or e-mailing your request to You will need to pick up the material at the library (though the library may mail material to you in some cases).
If the material you want to check out is currently checked out, you may request that we place a hold on the unavailable title so that we can contact you when it becomes available.
To become a library patron, you must complete, sign and return a Library Loan Agreement to the library before checking out any material. If you have not already completed an agreement, you may complete one when visiting the library. Please mail or deliver the original copy to the library.
In order to expedite your request, you may also email a signed copy of this Agreement to, but the ORIGINAL signed copy of this Agreement must also be mailed or delivered to the address provided on the agreement.
You may check out up to five items for a period of one month. Please contact the library if you wish to renew your loan period.
You may check out up to five items at a time, for a period of one month. A due date slip will be inserted or attached to the items. Please be sure to return materials no later than the due date.
Items are renewable for an additional month, provided that no one else has requested them. Please contact the library if you wish to renew your loan period.
We are located on the fifth floor of the Old Revenue Building at the corner of Hillsborough and Salisbury streets (111 Hillsborough St.) in downtown Raleigh. Regular library hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, for your convenience, we recommend that you contact the library first to ensure that the materials you want are available and to be sure the staff will be there to assist you. Visitors are welcome.
You may return library items to staff in the library or mail the material to the library.
Via US Postal Service:
N.C. Department of Labor Library
1101 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1101
Via tracked shipping (e.g., UPS, FedEx):
N.C. Department of Labor Library
Fifth Floor, Room C510
111 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27603-1762
When returning materials by mail, please pack them in STURDY containers, so that they are not damaged en route. Also, to ensure that materials are returned to the library, please return materials by INSURED MAIL.
The person who checks out the item is responsible for its return. If an item is lost, not returned, or significantly damaged, the borrower will be billed for its replacement.
Most of the materials in the Charles H. Livengood Jr. Memorial Library collection are copyright-protected, and therefore cannot be photocopied. Consult with library staff on photocopying material in accordance with the Copyright Act.