Non-Destructive Testing

Welding Requirements

Effective Jan. 30th, 2018, all amusement device companies that operate devices in the State of North Carolina will be required to comply with the following:

  • All owners of amusement devices shall provide documentation for all AWS welders employed by their companies.
  • Any welding or structural modifications performed on devices owned by the company before or while operating in the State of North Carolina are required to provide documentation as follows:
    • AWS welder certification (consistent with AWS D.1/D1.1M: 2015 and 13 NCAC 15.0409(c))
    • Written procedure for repair from the manufacturer of device (consistent with ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 2016)
    • Documentation from NDT company confirming the area repaired was tested before and after the approved repair procedure.
  • Owners of amusement devices shall be responsible to provide training records for operators (per 13 NCAC 15.0411), maintenance records for all devices (per 13 NCAC 15.0410) and manuals for all devices requested to operate in North Carolina before any device will be certified in North Carolina.

Companies can purchase written procedures from AWS or have procedures written by the ride manufacturer, Level III NDT technician, or professional engineer.

Companies that retain NDT services shall provide a written practice and a written procedure from the NDT company contracted to perform testing. This requirement will also apply to all required NDT by the manufacturer or other organization that you provide each year before playing the device in the state.

NCDOL shall verify all AWS certifications for welders performing repairs on all equipment with the American Welding Society. Owners should take steps to confirm that all AWS certified employees have current certifications consistent with the type of welding performed.


NDT Report Requirements

The following is required on all NDT reports before they will be accepted in North Carolina.  This applies to all NDT testing performed on devices  for any reason, such as manufacturer's bulletins, repairs, NC state  requirements, etc.

The NDT Company:

The NDT company that performs your test must send the following to the Elevator and Amusement Device Bureau office:

  • A copy of the test results
  • The NDT company’s written practice
  • A copy of the written procedures for each method used.


The Technician:

The technician performing the nondestructive test on amusement ride components shall be qualified to NDT level II or NDT level III in accordance with the American Society of Nondestructive Testing recommended practice # SNT-TC-1A.  The regulating agency may require copies of the technician’s certification at their option.

The Certificate:

  • The NDT certificate shall contain the following:
  • Name and address of testing firm.
  • Name and address of the amusement ride owner.
  • Date and location where the test was performed.
  • Ride name, manufacturer’s name and serial number.
  • A description of the test equipment by name and serial number.
  • Part name, part number and quantity of each that were inspected.
  • A statement that the test was performed in compliance with the ride manufacturer’s bulletin and identify the bulletin by number and date of publication or revision.
  • A detailed map or drawing showing the area tested.
  • Results of the test and the criteria used for acceptance and/or rejection of the part.
  • If rejected and repaired, a copy of the manufacturer’s or licensed professional engineer’s recommended repair method, a detailed sketch of the area repaired, repair method used, copy of welder’s certification, and results of the test are required.
  • Level of certification and signature of person performing test.
  • Level of certification and signature of person interpreting test results.


Further questions? Please call our main line at: 919-707-7927.