Does "Subpart D - Welding, Cutting and Heating" Apply to You?

Subpart D provides the requirements for welding, cutting and heating. Do you have welding, cutting or heating operations? If yes, then this subpart applies to you. The ventilation and protection in welding, cutting and heating provides the requirements for having mechanical or local ventilation, working in confined spaces, working with metals of toxic significance, and using respiratory protection. Note: Paragraph (a) Some paragraphs do not apply to shipbreaking or shipbuilding. It also states that the use of respirators must meet the requirements of the respiratory protection standard. 

Confined space means a compartment of small size and limited access such as a double bottom tank, cofferdam, or other space which by its small size and confined nature can readily create or aggravate a hazardous exposure.

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cuttingconfined spaceshazard communicationrespiratory protectionorganic solventsflammable liquidsfire protection and prevention and personal protective equipment

Click on the tabs below for more standards related to welding, cutting and heating operations. 

Subpart D - Welding, Cutting and Heating

Tab/Accordion Items

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on welding, cutting and heating in way of preservative coatings. Note: (a) Some paragraphs do not apply to shipbreaking. It includes requirements for having a competent person, ignition prevention, working in confined spaces, and use of respirators. It also states that the use of respirators must meet the requirements of the respiratory protection standard. 

Competent person means a person who is capable of recognizing and evaluating employee exposure to hazardous substances or to other unsafe conditions and is capable of specifying the necessary protection and precautions to be taken to ensure the safety of employees as required by the particular regulation under the condition to which it applies. For the purposes of confined and enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres in shipyard employment, the competent person must also meet the additional requirements contained in the competent person standard (i.e., designation, skills, knowledge, recordkeeping). 

Confined space means a compartment of small size and limited access such as a double bottom tank, cofferdam, or other space which by its small size and confined nature can readily create or aggravate a hazardous exposure.

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cuttingconfined spaceshazard communicationrespiratory protectionorganic solventsflammable liquidscompetent person, fire protection and prevention and personal protective equipment

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on welding, cutting and heating of hollow metal containers and structures not covered by 1915.12 (Precautions and the order of testing before entering confined and enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres) if you conduct ship repairing, shipbuilding and/or shipbreaking operations. It provides requirements for filling containers with water, ventilation measures, competent person inspections, and testing for vapors and flammables. 

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cuttinghazard communicationorganic solvents, competent person, fire protection and prevention and flammable liquids

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on gas welding and cutting as it applies to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking operations. It includes requirements pertaining to transporting, moving and storing compressed gas cylinders, cylinder placement, cylinder treatment, use of fuel gas, fuel gas and oxygen manifolds, hoses, and torches. 

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cuttinghazard communicationcompressed gases, fire protection and prevention and flammable liquids

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on arc welding and cutting as it applies to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking operations. It includes requirements pertaining to manual electrode holders, welding cables and connectors (inspections), ground returns and machine grounding, operating instructions, and shielding. 

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics page for welding and cutting and fire protection and prevention.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on uses of fissionable material in ship repairing and shipbuilding. Note: This section applies only to ship repairing and shipbuilding. This standard provides the requirements pertaining to activities involving the use of and exposure to sources of ionizing radiation not only on conventionally powered but also on nuclear powered vessels. It also has specially trained competent person requirements. 

Competent person means a person who is capable of recognizing and evaluating employee exposure to hazardous substances or to other unsafe conditions and is capable of specifying the necessary protection and precautions to be taken to ensure the safety of employees as required by the particular regulation under the condition to which it applies. 

Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cutting, competent person and radiation, ionizing and non-ionizing.