CFR 128C - Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Amendments


CFR 128C - Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Amendments

PDF • 87.62 KB - December 19, 2022

On May 2, 1996, federal OSHA issued an amendment to the final rule on personal protective equipment for general industry. The amendment adds language to 29 CFR 1910.133, 1910.135 and 1910.136 to require employers to ensure that employees comply with PPE requirements. When federal OSHA first adopted the PPE general industry regulations on April 6, 1994, the phrase "the employer shall ensure" was removed from the proposed requirements. However, OSHA's compliance staff has been unable to specifically enforce the intent of the standard based on the lack of specific assignation of responsibility to the employer. Therefore, federal OSHA has promulgated this technical amendment to restate the obligation by adding language which requires the employer to ensure that employees are in compliance with PPE requirements.

A typographic error found in the May 2, 1996, 1910.136 amendment was corrected in the May 9, 1996 edition of the Federal Register. That correction is part of this verbatim adoption.

These amendments at 29 CFR 1910.133 - Eye and face protection, 1910.135 - Head protection, and 1910.136 - Foot protection, were adopted verbatim in North Carolina by the Commissioner of Labor with an effective date of June 3, 1996.

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