2025 Trench Safety Stand-Down

Trench Safety Stand Down

June 16 - 20, 2025

Information on North Carolina events will be coming soon! 

Trench Safety Stand Down Week Goal

The Trench Safety Stand Down (TSSD) was first held in 2016 by NUCA, with federal OSHA joining as a partner a year later. The goal of the event is to reach out to the many workers who work in and around trenches and excavations to provide them with information about current excavation requirements and safety procedures for working in trenches.

By reaching as many workers as possible, the number of fatalities and serious injuries that occur each year in the industry can be reduced and make others, such as municipal and industry workers who are also exposed, aware of these serious hazards.

What is a Safety Stand Down?

A Safety Stand Down presents the opportunity for employers to talk directly to employees and others about safety. These Stand Downs focus on trench and excavation hazards and reinforce the importance of using trench protective systems and protecting workers from trenching hazards.

Conduct a Trench Safety Stand Down

Companies can conduct a Trench Safety Stand Down by taking a break each day during the Stand Down week to have a toolbox talk or another safety activity that draws attention to the specific hazards related to working in and around trenches and excavations.

Who Can Participate?

Anyone who wants to prevent trenching and excavation hazards in the workplace can participate in the Stand Down. We encourage anyone working in or around utility construction, residential construction, highway construction, plumbers, military bases and forts, unions, associations, educational institutions, and safety equipment manufacturers to participate.

NCDOL Resources

OSH Training Calendar

PowerPoint Presentations

Example Safety and Health Programs

Safety and Health Topics





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