OPN 107 - Enforcement Guidelines for the Hazardous Chemicals Right to Know Act


OPN 107 - Enforcement Guidelines for the Hazardous Chemicals Right to Know Act

PDF • 62.03 KB - September 24, 2017

This OPN provides enforcement guidelines for the Hazardous Chemicals Right to Know Act (NCGS Chapter 95, Article 18, hereinafter "RTK Act"). The RTK Act was enacted in 1985 by the North Carolina General Assembly. The act requires all employers who manufacture, process, use, store, or produce hazardous chemicals, to compile and maintain a Hazardous Substance List for each chemical stored in the facility in quantities of 55 gallons or 500 pounds, whichever is greater. The employer will provide the list to the fire department for the jurisdiction where the facility is located.

Also reference the safety and health topic page for Hazardous Chemicals Right to Know and the brochure on the Hazardous Chemicals Right-to-Know Act.
