Does "Subpart B - Marine Terminal Operations" Apply to You?
If you have marine terminal operations, then this subpart applies to you. Subpart B provides the requirements for housekeeping (i.e., clear of debris, access and egress unobstructed), eliminating slippery conditions, slinging (i.e., no riding hooks, use of tag lines, hoisting), stacking of cargo and pallets (i.e., ensure stability), coopering (i.e., repair and reconditioning of cargo packaging), line handling (i.e., grab lines, rails, safe access), railroad facilities (i.e., chocking, use of dockboards, safeguarding employees, use of powered industrial trucks, posted warning signs, opening railcar doors), and log handling (i.e., support, hoisting, stacking, bunks, securing).
It also provides the requirements for movement of barges and railcars (i.e., cargo runners), interference with communications (i.e., no cargo handling operations if there is communication interference), open fires (i.e., open fires prohibited), hazardous cargo (i.e., special precautions, secured, clean-up, protective equipment, ventilation), carbon monoxide (i.e., exposure limits, testing, instrumentation, records), fumigants, pesticides, insecticides and hazardous preservatives (i.e., employee removal from area, testing, chemicals applied by designated persons, entering spaces with hazardous atmospheres, signage, aerating containers), first aid and lifesaving facilities (i.e., reporting injuries, first aid kits, stretchers, communication, life ring, flotation devices, ladders), personnel (i.e., qualifications of machinery operators, supervisor accident prevention proficiency), and retention of DOT markings, placards and labels (i.e., retain markings, labels and placards).
More related information can be found on our safety and health topics pages for personal protective equipment, hazard communication, medical services and first aid, confined spaces, powered industrial trucks, slings and respiratory protection.
Subpart B also provides additional requirements pertaining to hazardous atmospheres and emergency action plans. Click on each tab below to see if they apply to you.
Subpart B - Marine Terminal Operations
If yes, then hazardous atmospheres and substances applies to you. This standard covers areas in which the employer is aware that a hazardous atmosphere or substance may exist, except where one or more of the following standards apply: hazardous cargo; carbon monoxide; fumigants, pesticides, insecticides and hazardous preservatives; terminal facilities handling menhaden and similar species of fish; welding, cutting, and heating (hot work); and spray painting.
Also reference (a)(2)(xiii) - toxic and hazardous substances, This standard requires you to comply with the general industry standards in subpart Z - toxic and hazardous substances as it applies to marine cargo handling activities except for the following:
- When a substance or cargo is contained within a sealed, intact means of packaging or containment complying with Department of Transportation or International Maritime Organization requirements
- Bloodborne pathogens
- Carbon monoxide (See carbon monoxide)
- Hydrogen sulfide [See hydrogen sulfide paragraph (a)(2)]
- Hexavalent chromium (See chromium VI - (Shipyard Employment))
More related information can be found on our safety and health topics pages for personal protective equipment, organic solvents, hazard communication, confined spaces, and respiratory protection.
This will be a yes, as the standard, emergency action plan, requires all employers to develop and implement an emergency action plan. The emergency action plan shall cover those designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure employee safety from fire and other emergencies. The standard has a footnote that states "When an employer directs his employees to respond to an emergency that is beyond the scope of the Emergency Action Plan developed in accordance with this standard, then hazardous waste operations and emergency response (q) shall apply.
More information can be found on our safety and health topic pages for emergency action plans, exits and exit routes, hazard communication, respiratory protection, personal protective equipment and hazardous waste operations and emergency response.