CFR 156 - Textiles
CFR 156 - Textiles
CFR 156 - Textiles
On June 18, 1998, federal OSHA promulgated a final rule that corrected or eliminated provisions from various standards (63 FR 33449-33469). These changes were made to correct out of date, duplicative, unnecessary, or inconsistent standards. One of the changes concerns requirements for the textile industry (Ref: 29 CFR 1910.262). Paragraphs (c)(3), (c)(4), (gg), (ll)(1), (qq)(1), (qq)(2), and (rr) are removed because they reference general occupational safety and health standards that are applicable to this industry. The June 18, 1998, corrections and revisions (63 FR 33449-33469) were adopted verbatim with an effective date of October 8, 1998.
Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topic page for Textiles. Also reference Standards Notice (SN) 01 - Textile Machinery, SN 28 - Drying Tumblers, Shakers and Washing Machines Interlocking Devices and SN 26 - Guarding of the Sides of Carding Machines Used in the Textile Industry. To determine if this rule applies, go to "Do you manufacture and process textiles?".