CFR 144 - Longshoring and Marine Terminals


CFR 144 - Longshoring and Marine Terminals

PDF • 120.73 KB - January 03, 2023

In the July 25, 1997, Federal Register [62 FR 40141-40234], federal OSHA issued a final rule that revised the regulations for the Longshoring Standard (i.e., ship side cargo handling) and those parallel sections of the Marine Terminals Standard (i.e., shore side cargo handling).

From an OSHNC enforcement perspective, 29 CFR 1918 (Longshoring) is outside of OSHNC jurisdiction and the balance of this final rule is only applicable to the public sector employees of local governments or of the State of North Carolina [Ref.: N.C. General Statute 95-128].

The final rule was adopted verbatim in North Carolina by the Commissioner of Labor with an effective date of October 15, 1997.

First Published
Last Updated