Antineoplastic Agents

An antineoplastic agent is a chemotherapeutic agent that controls or kills cancer cells. Antineoplastic drugs are cytotoxic (inhibit or prevent cell function) but generally more damaging to dividing cells than resting cells. Antineoplastic drugs are a subset of hazardous drugs.

A hazardous drug is identified by one of the following criteria: carcinogenicity; teratogenicity or developmental toxicity; reproductive toxicity in humans; organ toxicity at low doses in humans or animals; genotoxicity; or new drugs that mimic existing hazardous drugs in structure or toxicity.

Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in healthcare settings can occur to several groups of workers ranging from the pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who prepare and measure the doses of medication that are to be administered to the patient and the physicians and nursing personnel who administer the drugs to patients, to housekeeping personnel who must dispose of drug contaminated waste, included discarded personal protective clothing. Exposure to antineoplastic drugs can also occur to personnel responsible for maintaining and certifying biological safety cabinets used in the preparation and handling of these drugs.

Another group of occupationally exposed workers can be found in the field of veterinary medicine. Increasingly, domestic animals are developing cancers for which treatment with antineoplastic agents is often used. 

Antineoplastic Agents

Tab/Accordion Items

What are the hazards associated with antineoplastic drugs?

Occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs can occur by inhalation, dermal contact or ingestion. In addition to acute or short-term effects related to treatment with antineoplastic agents, there are a number of long-term or chronic effects that include liver and kidney damage, damage to the bone marrow, damage to the lungs and heart, infertility (temporary and permanent), effects on reproduction and the developing fetus in pregnant women, hearing impairment and cancer.

What can I do to protect myself?

Only individuals trained in the safe handling of antineoplastic drugs should be involved in their use. Annual retraining in the hazards of antineoplastic drugs is recommended, including the procedures to follow in the event of a spill. Proper personal protective clothing and equipment must always be used when working with antineoplastic drugs. Pharmacists and others who prepare antineoplastic drugs for administration to patients should use a Class II or Class III biological safety cabinet (BSC) that has been certified to maintain the correct air flow rate.

What resources are available to assist employers?

Safety and Health Programs

Example programs for hazard communication, respiratory protection and PPE and hazard analysis are available and should be adapted to the conditions of each particular workplace. Other example safety and health programs are available for employers to download and adapt to their specific conditions. 

Training and Outreach Services

Presentations on hazard communication, respiratory protection, and personal protective equipment (general industry) can assist employers in training their staff. are available to assist employers in training their employees and should be modified to address site-specific hazards and conditions. Other example presentations are available along with pre-recorded webinars which can be accessed at any time. 

In addition, the education, training and technical assistance bureau provides free online safety and health training and outreach services (i.e., speaker's bureau requests, safety booths) upon request. 

Lastly, the NCDOL Library offers free safety and health videos (including streaming video services) and related research assistance on consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, NFPA, NEC).

Safety and Health Topics 

The  safety and health topic pages on personal protective equipment, respiratory protection and hazard communication can provide more resource information. 

Consultation Services

The consultative services bureau provides free and confidential onsite consultation regarding worksite safety and health hazards.

Which standards apply?

OSH has adopted the following standards which are applicable to antineoplastic agents in North Carolina. This is not all inclusive.

Note: Please also check the standards information and activity webpage to see if there has been any recent or upcoming regulatory activity on this topic. 

North Carolina General Statute

  • NCGS 95-156 - handling of dangerous antineoplastic agents

North Carolina Administrative Code

In addition, OSH has adopted the following general industry standards relevant to antineoplastic drugs in North Carolina:

General Industry


Other Applicable Standards

The Which OSHA Standards Apply webpage can help identify other standards that may also be applicable to your worksite.

Where can I learn more?

Compliance Documents

Industry Guides

Technical Assistance

Inquiries about workplace safety and health requirements can be submitted to Ask OSH online or by phone at 919-707-7876.