What if we are not ready for SHARP?

If you meet most but not all the SHARP eligibility criteria and are committed to working toward SHARP approval, you may be recommended by NCDOL’s Consultative Services for Pre-SHARP status. Upon achieving Pre-SHARP status, you are still granted a deferral from compliance programmed inspections.

To achieve Pre-SHARP status:

  • You have had a full service, comprehensive consultation visits at your worksite.
  • You have corrected all hazards identified by the consultant(s).
  • You have informed your workers of hazard correction(s).
  • You are in the process of implementing an effective safety and health programs
  • You can meet all SHARP requirements during the Pre-SHARP deferral period.
  • To determine your eligibility for Pre-SHARP, please schedule an On-site Consultation visit from NCDOL’s Consultative Services. They can be reached at 919-707-7846 or email us at dol.consultationmail@labor.nc.gov