FOM Chapter 09 - Complaints, Referrals and Accidents


FOM Chapter 09 - Complaints, Referrals and Accidents

PDF • 279.8 KB - March 25, 2021

This chapter provides guidance about complaints, referrals and accidents are handled by the OSH Division. To learn more about the inspection process, go to the compliance inspection process webpage. 

A complaint is a notice of a safety or health hazard that threatens physical harm to employees or a violation of the act believed to exist in a workplace. The complaint can be filed by an individual who was an employee at the time the complaint was filed, an individual who was a representative of employees at the time the complaint was filed, or any other non-referral source, to the commissioner or his authorized representative.

A referral is normally distinguished from a complaint by the source providing information on the alleged hazard. A complaint can be referred by an NCDOL employee, media reports, or other agencies.

Accidents are those generally reported in the media or accidents that receive significant publicity will be evaluated to determine if an investigation or inspection is warranted.

First Published
Last Updated