Does "Subpart Q - Welding, Cutting and Brazing" Apply to You?

Subpart Q provides the requirements for welding, cutting and brazing operations. Do you have welding, cutting and/or brazing operations? If yes, then you need to comply with all or parts of Subpart Q. It provides the general requirements for welding, cutting and/or brazing including fire prevention and protection (i.e., fire watch, fire extinguishers, combustible materials, fire hazards, prohibited areas, authorizations, management and supervisor responsibilities, venting), confined spaces, personal protective equipment (reference general requirements, PPE), ventilation, securing cylinders, signage, hazard communication program (reference the hazard communication standard), working with hazardous chemicals (i.e., mercury, lead, cadmium, fluorides, zinc, beryllium), respirators, and industrial applications (i.e., piping systems, pipelines, x-ray inspections). It also references consensus standards that have been incorporated by reference.  

Other information related to the general requirements can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, personal protective equipmentrespiratory protection, hazard communicationcompressed gasesberylliumlead, portable fire extinguishers and confined spaces. Additional assistance with consensus standards can be obtained by contacting the NCDOL Library

This subpart provides definitions related to welding, cutting and brazing operations including:

Welder and welding operator means any operator of electric or gas welding and cutting equipment.

Are employees using oxygen-fuel gas for welding and cutting? Are employees doing arc welding and cutting? Are employees doing resistance welding? These standards apply to the specific type of welding and cutting being done and are in addition to the general requirements. Click on the appropriate tabs below for more information. 

Subpart Q - Welding, Cutting and Brazing

Tab/Accordion Items

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting. It provides requirements for oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting including general requirements (i.e., flammable mixtures, maximum pressure,  personnel), cylinders and containers (i.e., storage, marking, operating procedures), manifolding of cylinders, service piping systems, protective equipment, hoses and regulators, acetylene generators, and calcium carbide storage. 

Other related information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cutting, personal protective equipmentrespiratory protection, hazard communication, compressed gaseshexavalent chromium and confined spaces.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on arc welding and cutting. It provides general requirements (i.e., equipment selection, installation, instruction) for arc welding and cutting, along with the application requirements, installation of arc welding equipment, and requirements pertaining to operation and maintenance. 

Other related information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cutting, personal protective equipmentrespiratory protection, hazard communication, hexavalent chromium and confined spaces.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on resistance welding. This standard provides general requirements (i.e., installation, thermal protection, personnel, guarding), along with the requirements pertaining to spot and seam welding machines (nonportable, portable welding machines, flash welding equipment, and maintenance.  

Other related information can be found on the safety and health topics pages for welding and cutting, personal protective equipmentrespiratory protection, hazard communication, and confined spaces.