Does "Subpart J - Welding and Cutting" Apply to You?
Subpart J provides the requirements for gas welding and cutting, arc welding and cutting, fire prevention, ventilation and protection in welding, cutting and heating, and welding, cutting and heating in way of preservative coatings. Are employees conducting welding, cutting or heating operations? If yes, then subpart J applies to you.
To find out which standards in subpart J may apply, click on the applicable tabs below.
Subpart J - Welding and Cutting
If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on gas welding and cutting. This standard provides requirements for transporting, moving and storing gas cylinders (i.e., separation, kept upright, secured), placement of cylinders, treatment of cylinders (i.e., rolling, support, damaged), use of fuel gas (i.e., instruction), fuel gas and oxygen manifolds (i.e., name, ventilation, not located in confined spaces), hose (i.e., distinguishable, defective, kept clear), torches, and regulators and gauges. It also references the ANSI standard Z49.1-1967.
You also need to comply with the standard on fire prevention which provides requirements for fire prevention precautions when conducting welding, cutting or heating operations. It includes requirements for fire extinguishing equipment, enclosed spaces, and other precautions.
Note: Welding, cutting, and heating, not involving confined spaces, metals of toxic significance, or inert-gas metal-arc welding, may normally be done without mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment, but where, because of unusual physical or atmospheric conditions, an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists, suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment must be provided. Reference the standard on ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating for more information pertaining to these requirements.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, respiratory protection, confined spaces, flammable liquids, competent person, portable fire extinguishers and personal protective equipment.
If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on arc welding and cutting. This standard provides the requirements for manual electrode holders, welding cables and connectors, ground returns and machine grounding, operating instructions, and shielding.
You also need to comply with the standard on fire prevention which provides requirements for fire prevention precautions when conducting welding, cutting or heating operations. It includes requirements pertaining to fire extinguishing equipment, enclosed spaces, and other precautions.
Note: Welding, cutting, and heating, not involving confined spaces, metals of toxic significance, or inert-gas metal-arc welding, may normally be done without mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment, but where, because of unusual physical or atmospheric conditions, an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists, suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment must be provided. Reference the standard on ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating for more information pertaining to these requirements.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, respiratory protection, confined spaces, flammable liquids and personal protective equipment.
If yes, then you also need to comply with the standard on welding, cutting, and heating in way of preservative coatings. This standard provides the requirements pertaining to tests made by competent person, precautionary measures (i.e., flammability), protection against toxic preservative coatings (i.e., confined spaces) and references the respiratory protection standard when respirators are used.
Competent person is defined as who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, competent person, respiratory protection, flammable liquids, confined spaces and personal protective equipment.
If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating as it provides specific requirements for inert-gas metal-arc welding along with other ventilation and protection requirements for welding, cutting and heating operations. Note: Inert-gas metal-arc welding process involves the production of ultra-violet radiation of intensities of 5 to 30 times that produced during shielded metal-arc welding.
Reference each of the following five distinct paragraphs pertaining to inert-gas metal-arc welding operations, in particular paragraph (d), and other ventilation and protection requirements:
Paragraph (a) provides the general requirements for mechanical and local exhaust ventilation used for welding, cutting and heating operations such as safe exposure limits (reference occupational health and environmental controls) and providing clean and respirable air.
Paragraph (b) provides specific requirements pertaining to welding, cutting and heating in confined spaces. It provides requirements for using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, providing respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, maintaining communications after entry into space, using lifelines for manholes or other small openings, and having rescue procedures.
Paragraph (c) provides the requirements for when metals of toxic significance are used in confined spaces such as zinc-bearing base or filler metals, metals coated with zinc-bearing materials, lead base metals, cadmium-bearing filler materials, cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals, chromium-bearing metals or metals coated with chromium-bearing materials, metals coated with mercury-bearing metals, and beryllium-containing base or filler metals. It includes using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, or providing employees with respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
Paragraph (d) provides specific requirements pertaining to inert-gas metal-arc welding including the safe use of chlorinated solvents, the use of personal protective equipment (eye, face and hand protection) that meets the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, and using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation when work is performed on stainless steel.
Paragraph (e) provides additional general welding, cutting and heating requirements. This paragraph states that welding, cutting, and heating, not involving confined spaces, metals of toxic significance, or inert-gas metal-arc welding, may normally be done without mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment, but where, because of unusual physical or atmospheric conditions, an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists, suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment must be provided. It also requires that suitable eye protective equipment be provided to employees in accordance with the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, respiratory protection and personal protective equipment.
If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating. Reference each of the following five distinct paragraphs for ventilation and protection requirements pertaining to welding, cutting and heating operations conducted in confined spaces, in particular paragraph (b):
Paragraph (a) provides the general requirements for mechanical and local exhaust ventilation used for welding, cutting and heating operations such as safe exposure limits (reference occupational health and environmental controls) and providing clean and respirable air.
Paragraph (b) provides specific requirements pertaining to welding, cutting and heating in confined spaces. It provides requirements for using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, providing respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, maintaining communications after entry into space, using lifelines for manholes or other small openings, and having rescue procedures.
Paragraph (c) provides the requirements for when metals of toxic significance are used in confined spaces such as zinc-bearing base or filler metals, metals coated with zinc-bearing materials, lead base metals, cadmium-bearing filler materials, cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals, chromium-bearing metals or metals coated with chromium-bearing materials, metals coated with mercury-bearing metals, and beryllium-containing base or filler metals. It includes using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, or providing employees with respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
Paragraph (d) provides specific requirements pertaining to inert-gas metal-arc welding including the safe use of chlorinated solvents, the use of personal protective equipment (eye, face and hand protection) that meets the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, and using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation when work is performed on stainless steel.
Paragraph (e) provides additional general welding, cutting and heating requirements. This paragraph states that welding, cutting, and heating, not involving confined spaces, metals of toxic significance, or inert-gas metal-arc welding, may normally be done without mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment, but where, because of unusual physical or atmospheric conditions, an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists, suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment must be provided. It also requires that suitable eye protective equipment be provided to employees in accordance with the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, respiratory protection, confined spaces, and personal protective equipment.
If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating. Reference each of the following five paragraphs for requirements pertaining to the use of mechanical ventilation and local exhaust ventilation along with other protection requirements for welding, cutting and heating operations:
Paragraph (a) provides the general requirements for mechanical and local exhaust ventilation used for welding, cutting and heating operations such as safe exposure limits (reference occupational health and environmental controls) and providing clean and respirable air.
Paragraph (b) provides specific requirements pertaining to welding, cutting and heating in confined spaces. It provides requirements for using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, providing respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, maintaining communications after entry into space, using lifelines for manholes or other small openings, and having rescue procedures.
Paragraph (c) provides the requirements for when metals of toxic significance are used in confined spaces such as zinc-bearing base or filler metals, metals coated with zinc-bearing materials, lead base metals, cadmium-bearing filler materials, cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals, chromium-bearing metals or metals coated with chromium-bearing materials, metals coated with mercury-bearing metals, and beryllium-containing base or filler metals. It includes using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation, or providing employees with respirators that meet the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
Paragraph (d) provides specific requirements pertaining to inert-gas metal-arc welding including the safe use of chlorinated solvents, the use of personal protective equipment (eye, face and hand protection) that meets the requirements of the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment, and using general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation when work is performed on stainless steel.
Paragraph (e) provides additional general welding, cutting and heating requirements. This paragraph states that welding, cutting, and heating, not involving confined spaces, metals of toxic significance, or inert-gas metal-arc welding, may normally be done without mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment, but where, because of unusual physical or atmospheric conditions, an unsafe accumulation of contaminants exists, suitable mechanical ventilation or respiratory protective equipment must be provided. It also requires that suitable eye protective equipment be provided to employees in accordance with the subpart on personal protective and life saving equipment.
The NCDOL Library is available for assistance regarding access to consensus standards (i.e., ANSI, ASME, NFPA, IEEE). In addition, more information can be found on the safety and health topic pages for welding and cutting, respiratory protection, confined spaces, and personal protective equipment.