CFR 119 - Lead Exposure in Construction: Interim Final Rule


CFR 119 - Lead Exposure in Construction: Interim Final Rule

PDF • 88.39 KB - December 22, 2022

On May 4, 1993, Federal OSHA promulgated an interim standard which contains employee protection requirements for workers exposed to lead during construction activities (Federal Register). This new standard (29 CFR 1926.62) reduces the permissible exposure limit for lead from an 8-hour time weighted average permissible exposure limit of 200 microgram of lead per cubic meter of air ug/m3) to 50 ug/m3. The standard contains additional requirements including employee exposure monitoring, methods of compliance, respiratory protection, protection clothing and equipment, hygiene facilities and practices, medical surveillance, medical removal protection, employee information and training, signs, recordkeeping, and employee observation of monitoring. An action level of 30 ug/m3 as an 8-hour TWA is also established by the standard. This new federal interim final rule at 29 CFR 1926 Subpart D was verbatim in North Carolina by the Commissioner of Labor on September 6 with an effective date of October 4, 1993. 

Also reference CPL 02-02-058 - Lead Exposure in Construction,  OPN 135, Health Hazards Special Emphasis Program, CFR 194 - Correcting Amendment: Safety and Health Regulations for Construction - Lead and OSHA Technical Manual (TED 01-00-015). Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topic pages for Lead, Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances and Health Hazards Special Emphasis Program. To determine is this rule applies, go to "Do you have occupational lead exposures?".

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