Subpart F - Powered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms
Subpart F provides the standards for powered platforms, manlifts and vehicle-mounted work platforms provides the requirements for powered platforms permanently dedicated for building maintenance of a structure, vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating work platforms and manlifts used for the transportation of personnel from floor to floor.
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Special Requirements
Scope: This standard covers powered platform installations permanently dedicated to interior or exterior building maintenance of a specific structure or group of structures.
Exceptions: This standard does not apply to suspended scaffolds (swinging scaffolds) used to service buildings on a temporary basis and covered under subpart D – walking – working surfaces, nor to suspended scaffolds used for construction work and covered under subpart L – scaffolds of 29 CFR Part 1926 – Construction standards.
Special Requirements: Inform, installation requirements (written), design criteria, registered professional engineer, test data, field test, verification, assurance, inform (written), inspections, tests, certification record, emergency action plan, procedures, alarm systems, competent person, certify, work procedures (written), preventive measures, operating manuals, references other standards
1910.66(c)(1) - Building owners of new installations shall inform the employer before each use in writing that the installation meets the requirements of paragraph (e)(1) and paragraph (f)(1) of this section and the additional design criteria contained in other provisions of paragraph (e) and paragraph (f) of this section relating to: required load sustaining capabilities of platforms, building components, hoisting and supporting equipment; stability factors for carriages, platforms and supporting equipment; maximum horizontal force for movement of carriages and davits; design of carriages, hoisting machines, wire rope and stabilization systems; and design criteria for electrical wiring and equipment.
1910.66(c)(2) - Building owners shall base the information required in paragraph (c)(1) of this section on the results of a field test of the installation before being placed into service and following any major alteration to an existing installation, as required in paragraph (g)(1) of this section. The assurance shall also be based on all other relevant available information, including, but not limited to, test data, equipment specifications and verification by a registered professional engineer.
1910.66(c)(3) - Building owners of all installations, new and existing, shall inform the employer in writing that the installation has been inspected, tested, and maintained in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (g) and paragraph (h) of this section and that all anchorages meet the requirements of 1910.140(c)(13).
1910.66(c)(4) - The employer shall not permit employees to use the installation prior to receiving assurance from the building owner that the installation meets the requirements contained in paragraph (c)(1) and paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
1910.66(e)(1)(i) - Structural supports, tie-downs, tie-in guides, anchoring devices and any affected parts of the building included in the installation shall be designed by or under the direction of a registered professional engineer experienced in such design.
1910.66(e)(2)(iv) -Tie-in guides for building interiors (atriums) may be eliminated when a registered professional engineer determines that an alternative stabilization system, including systems in paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(A), paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) and paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(C), or a platform tie-off at each work station will provide equivalent safety.
1910.66(e)(9) - Emergency planning. A written emergency action plan shall be developed and implemented for each kind of working platform operation. This plan shall explain the emergency procedures which are to be followed in the event of a power failure, equipment failure or other emergencies which may be encountered. The plan shall also explain that employees inform themselves about the building emergency escape routes, procedures and alarm systems before operating a platform. Upon initial assignment and whenever the plan is changed the employer shall review with each employee those parts of the plan which the employee must know to protect himself or herself in the event of an emergency.
1910.66(f)(1)(i) - Equipment installations shall be designed by or under the direction of a registered professional engineer experienced in such design.
1910.66(g)(1) - Installations and alterations. All completed building maintenance equipment installations shall be inspected and tested in the field before being placed in initial service to determine that all parts of the installation conform to applicable requirements of this standard, and that all safety and operating equipment is functioning as required. A similar inspection and test shall be made following any major alteration to an existing installation. No hoist in an installation shall be subjected to a load in excess of 125 percent of its rated load.
1910.66(g)(2)(i) - Periodic inspections and tests. Related building supporting structures shall undergo periodic inspection by a competent person at intervals not exceeding 12 months.
1910.66(g)(2)(ii) - Periodic inspections and tests. All parts of the equipment including control systems shall be inspected, and, where necessary, tested by a competent person at intervals specified by the manufacturer/supplier, but not to exceed 12 months, to determine that they are in safe operating condition. Parts subject to wear, such as wire ropes, bearings, gears, and governors shall be inspected and/or tested to determine that they have not worn to such an extent as to affect the safe operation of the installation.
1910.66(g)(2)(iii) - Periodic inspections and tests. The building owner shall keep a certification record of each inspection and test required under paragraph (g)(2)(i) and paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section. The certification record shall include the date of the inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection, and the number, or other identifier, of the building support structure and equipment which was inspected. This certification record shall be kept readily available for review by the Assistant Secretary of Labor or the Assistant Secretary's representative and by the employer.
1910.66(g)(2)(iv) - Periodic inspections and tests. Working platforms and their components shall be inspected by the employer for visible defects before every use and after each occurrence which could affect the platform's structural integrity.
1910.66(g)(3)(i) - Maintenance inspections and tests. A maintenance inspection and, where necessary, a test shall be made of each platform installation every 30 days, or where the work cycle is less than 30 days such inspection and/or test shall be made prior to each work cycle. This inspection and test shall follow procedures recommended by the manufacturer, and shall be made by a competent person.
1910.66(g)(3)(ii) - Maintenance inspections and tests. The building owner shall keep a certification record of each inspection and test performed under paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this section. The certification record shall include the date of the inspection and test, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and/or test, and an identifier for the platform installation which was inspected. The certification record shall be kept readily available for review by the Assistant Secretary of Labor or the Assistant Secretary's representative and by the employer.
1910.66(g)(4)(i) - Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. Governors and secondary brakes shall be inspected and tested at intervals specified by the manufacturer/supplier but not to exceed every 12 months.
1910.66(g)(4)(ii) - Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. The results of the inspection and test shall confirm that the initiating device for the secondary braking system operates at the proper overspeed.
1910.66(g)(4)(iii) - Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. The results of the inspection and test shall confirm that the secondary brake is functioning properly.
1910.66(g)(4)(iv) - Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. If any hoisting machine or initiating device for the secondary brake system is removed from the equipment for testing, all reinstalled and directly related components shall be reinspected prior to returning the equipment installation to service.
1910.66(g)(4)(v) - Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. Inspection of governors and secondary brakes shall be performed by a competent person.
1910.66(g)(4)(vi) -Special inspection of governors and secondary brakes. The secondary brake governor and actuation device shall be tested before each day's use. Where testing is not feasible, a visual inspection of the brake shall be made instead to ensure that it is free to operate.
1910.66(g)(5)(i) - Suspension wire rope maintenance, inspection and replacement. Suspension wire rope shall be maintained and used in accordance with procedures recommended by the wire rope manufacturer.
1910.66(g)(5)(ii) - Suspension wire rope maintenance, inspection and replacement. Suspension wire rope shall be inspected by a competent person for visible defects and gross damage to the rope before every use and after each occurrence which might affect the wire rope's integrity.
1910.66(g)(5)(iii) - Suspension wire rope maintenance, inspection and replacement. A thorough inspection of suspension wire ropes in service shall be made once a month. Suspension wire ropes that have been inactive for 30 days or longer shall have a thorough inspection before they are placed into service. These thorough inspections of suspension wire ropes shall be performed by a competent person.
1910.66(g)(5)(iv) - Suspension wire rope maintenance, inspection and replacement. The need for replacement of a suspension wire rope shall be determined by inspection and shall be based on the condition of the wire rope. Any of the following conditions or combination of conditions will be cause for removal of the wire rope.
- 1910.66(g)(5)(iv)(J) - Any other condition which the competent person determines has significantly affected the integrity of the rope.
1910.66(g)(5)(v) - Suspension wire rope maintenance, inspection and replacement. The building owner shall keep a certification record of each monthly inspection of a suspension wire rope as required in paragraph (g)(5)(iii) of this section. The record shall include the date of the inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection, and a number, or other identifier, of the wire rope which was inspected. This record of inspection shall be made available for review by the Assistant Secretary of Labor or the Assistant Secretary's representative and by the employer.
1910.66(g)(6) - Hoist inspection. Before lowering personnel below the top elevation of the building, the hoist shall be tested each day in the lifting direction with the intended load to make certain it has sufficient capacity to raise the personnel back to the boarding level.
- 1910.66(i)(1)(ii)(A) - Recognition of, and preventive measures for, the safety hazards associated with their individual work tasks.
- 1910.66(i)(1)(ii)(C) - Emergency action plan procedures required in paragraph (e)(9) of this section.
- 1910.66(i)(1)(ii)(D) - Work procedures required in paragraph (i)(1)(iv) of this section.
- 1910.66(i)(1)(ii)(E) - Personal fall arrest system inspection, care, use and system performance.
1910.66(i)(1)(iii) - Training of employees in the operation and inspection of working platforms shall be done by a competent person.
1910.66(i)(1)(iv) - Written work procedures for the operation, safe use and inspection of working platforms shall be provided for employee training. Pictorial methods of instruction, may be used, in lieu of written work procedures, if employee communication is improved using this method. The operating manuals supplied by manufacturers for platform system components can serve as the basis for these procedures.
1910.66(i)(1)(v) - The employer shall certify that employees have been trained in operating and inspecting a working platform by preparing a certification record which includes the identity of the person trained, the signature of the employer or the person who conducted the training and the date that training was completed. The certification record shall be prepared at the completion of the training required in paragraph (i)(1)(ii) of this section, and shall be maintained in a file for the duration of the employee's employment. The certification record shall be kept readily available for review by the Assistant Secretary of Labor or the Assistant Secretary's representative.
Building maintenance means operations such as window cleaning, caulking, metal polishing, reglazing, and general maintenance on building surfaces.
Competent person means a person who, because of training and experience, is capable of identifying hazardous or dangerous conditions in powered platform installations and of training employees to identify such conditions.
Registered professional engineer means a person who has been duly and currently registered and licensed by an authority within the United States or its territories to practice the profession of engineering.
Scope: This standard covers vehicle-mounted aerial devices used to elevate personnel to jobsites above ground.
Exceptions: This standard does not apply to firefighting equipment or to the vehicles upon which aerial devices are mounted.
Special Requirements: Tests, trained, inspections, references other standards
1910.67(c)(2)(i) - Lift controls shall be tested each day prior to use to determine that such controls are in safe working condition.
1910.67(c)(2)(ii) - Only trained persons shall operate an aerial lift.
1910.67(c)(2)(xii) - Before moving an aerial lift for travel, the boom(s) shall be inspected to see that it is properly cradled and outriggers are in stowed position, except as provided in paragraph (c)(2)(viii) of this section.
1910.67(c)(3) - Electrical tests. Electrical tests shall be made in conformance with the requirements of ANSI A92.2—1969, Section 5. However, equivalent DC voltage tests may be used in lieu of the AC voltage test specified in A92.2—1969. DC voltage tests which are approved by the equipment manufacturer or equivalent entity shall be considered an equivalent test for the purpose of this paragraph (c)(3).
Aerial device. Any vehicle—mounted device, telescoping or articulating, or both, which is used to position personnel.
Articulating boom platform. An aerial device with two or more hinged boom sections.
Scope: This standard applies to the construction, maintenance, inspection, and operation of manlifts in relation to accident hazards.
Special Requirements: Trained, authorized, instruction signs, posted signs, warning light, operating rules, inspection record, certification record
1910.68(b)(1) - Application. This section applies to the construction, maintenance, inspection, and operation of manlifts in relation to accident hazards. Manlifts covered by this section consist of platforms or brackets and accompanying handholds mounted on, or attached to an endless belt, operating vertically in one direction only and being supported by, and driven through pulleys, at the top and bottom. These manlifts are intended for conveyance of persons only. It is not intended that this section cover moving stairways, elevators with enclosed platforms ("Paternoster" elevators), gravity lifts, nor conveyors used only for conveying material. This section applies to manlifts used to carry only personnel trained and authorized by the employer in their use.
1910.68(c)(7)(i) - Instruction signs at landings or belts. Signs of conspicuous and easily read style giving instructions for the use of the manlift shall be posted at each landing or stenciled on the belt.
1910.68(c)(7)(ii)(a) - At the top floor an illuminated sign shall be displayed bearing the following wording: "TOP FLOOR—GET OFF". Signs shall be in block letters not less than 2 inches in height. This sign shall be located within easy view of an ascending passenger and not more than 2 feet above the top terminal landing.
1910.68(c)(7)(ii)(b) - In addition to the sign required by paragraph (c)(7)(ii)(a) of this section, a red warning light of not less than 40- watt rating shall be provided immediately below the upper landing terminal and so located as to shine in the passenger's face.
1910.68(c)(7)(iii) - Visitor warning. A conspicuous sign having the following legend—AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY—shall be displayed at each landing.
1910.68(d)(1) - Operating rules. Proper use of manlifts. No freight, packaged goods, pipe, lumber, or construction materials of any kind shall be handled on any manlift.
1910.68(e)(1) - Frequency. All manlifts shall be inspected by a competent designated person at intervals of not more than 30 days. Limit switches shall be checked weekly. Manlifts found to be unsafe shall not be operated until properly repaired.
1910.68(e)(3) - Inspection record. A certification record shall be kept of each inspection which includes the date of the inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, of the manlift which was inspected. This record of inspection shall be made available to the Assistant Secretary of Labor or a duly authorized representative.
Manlift. A device consisting of a power-driven endless belt moving in one direction only, and provided with steps or platforms and handholds attached to it for the transportation of personnel from floor to floor.