SHARP Approval Process
To participate in SHARP, you must:
- Request a comprehensive consultation visit from NCDOL’s Consultative Services that involves a full-service safety and health hazard identification walkthrough of the worksite.
- Involve employees in the consultation process.
- Correct all hazards identified by the consultant.
- Implement and maintain safety and health programs that strive for the best practices described in Safety Management - A safe workplace is sound business | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
- Maintain your company's Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rate and Total Recordable Case (TRC) rate below the national average for your industry.
- Agree to notify NCDOL’s Consultative Services prior to making any changes in the working conditions or introducing new hazards into the workplace.
- To schedule an On-Site Consultation visit and determine your eligibility for SHARP, contact NCDOL’s Consultative Services at 919-707-7846 or email us at
What happens after joining SHARP?
After you satisfy all SHARP requirements, the NC Consultation Services may recommend your worksite for SHARP approval. The state and OSHA will formally recognize your worksite with a SHARP Certificate. NC Consultation Services will coordinate with your worksites to hold ceremonies and further recognize your achievements.
When you are initially certified as a SHARP site, you will be granted an exemption from OSHA programmed inspections for up to 2 years. After your initial certification, you may request SHARP renewal for up to 3 years, if you:
- Apply for renewal during the last quarter of the exemption period.
- Allow a full-service comprehensive visit to ensure that your exemplary safety and health programs have been effectively maintained or improved.
- Continue to meet all SHARP eligibility criteria and program requirements.
- Agree, if requesting a 2 or 3 year renewal, to conduct and submit an Interim Year SHARP Site Self-Evaluation to the NC Consultative Services that is based on the elements of the Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines; Issuance of Voluntary Guidelines and includes your worksite's injury and illness logs that are required by OSHA to be maintained.