Rising Star Sites
The Rising Star Program is designed for employers in the general industry, private sector who do not yet meet the rate qualifications for the Carolina Star Program, but who have implemented the various aspects of a safety and health management system, and who want to work toward Carolina Star Program participation. Participation in Rising Star is an opportunity for employers to reduce their injury and illness rates in order to meet the requirements for the Carolina Star Program.
Note: The Rising Star Program is not designed for the public sector or the construction industry.
Worksites may be approved for the Rising Star Program depending on their goals and annual safety and health management system evaluation. NCDOL OSH will set Carolina Star goals to bring Rising Star worksites up to Carolina Star level. The worksite’s term of participation as a Rising Star will depend upon how long it is expected to take the participant to accomplish the Carolina Star goals. The participant is expected to maintain its safety and health management systems as evidenced by a favorable onsite evaluation by the Star Program evaluation team within 36 months of the initial onsite Star evaluation, and every 60 months thereafter.
Rising Star participants are proactive and partner with the N.C. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Division in an effort to prevent fatalities, injuries, and illnesses through a system focused on:
- Management commitment and leadership
- Employee involvement and participation
- Hazard identification and evaluation
- Hazard prevention and control
- Safety and health training
Benefits of being a Star Worksite
- Improved employee motivation to work safely, leading to better quality and productivity.
- Reduced workers’ compensation costs.
- Recognition in the community.
- Improved safety and health management systems and performance.
- Star participant sites generally experience from 60 percent to 80 percent fewer lost workday injuries than would be expected of an “average” site of the same size in their industries.
Contact Information
If you are interested in Rising Star, please contact LaMont Smith, Carolina Star's recognition program manager, or call 919-707-7852 for more information.