Does "Subpart M - Compressed Gas and Compressed Air Equipment" Apply to You?
Subpart M applies to compressed air receivers, and other equipment used in providing and utilizing compressed air for performing operations such as cleaning, drilling, hoisting, and chipping. On the other hand, however, this section does not deal with the special problems created by using compressed air to convey materials nor the problems created when men work in compressed air as in tunnels and caissons. This section is not intended to apply to compressed air machinery and equipment used on transportation vehicles such as steam railroad cars, electric railway cars, and automotive equipment.
Do you have compressed air receivers and other equipment that are used in providing and utilizing compressed air for performing operations such as cleaning, drilling, hoisting, and chipping? If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on air receivers. It provides the requirements for safety valves (i.e., consensus standards), and installation and equipment requirements (i.e., safety appliances, testing, drains and traps, gauges and valves). Also reference STD 01-10-002 - Drains on Air Receivers, 29 CFR 1910.169(a)(2)(i) and (b)(2) Citation Guidance as it provides guidelines for issuance of citations for violation of drain requirements for air receivers.
Learn more about the standards within Subpart M that have "Special Requirements" including inspections and tests, programs and plans, training and other forms of communication, procedures and policies, signs and markings, qualified and competent persons, recordkeeping and documentation, and other similar requirements.
Additional information can be found on the safety and health topics page for compressed air and compressed air equipment. Additional assistance with consensus standards can be obtained by contacting the NCDOL Library.