The N.C. Department of Labor (NCDOL) recertified the city of Mount Airy as a participant in the Public Sector Star Program on Thursday, Oct. 6. Labor Commissioner Josh Dobson attended the recertification ceremony at the Mount Airy municipal building to present the awards and congratulate city officials on the achievement. This is the city’s seventh recertification since joining the program.
“In October of 1996, the city of Mount Airy was approved as the first public sector entity in the nation to participate in the Carolina Star Program,” said NCDOL Recognition Program Manager LaMont Smith. “The city of Mount Airy is one of a few programs in North Carolina that has been recognized for 25 years or more of continuous participation in the Carolina Star Program.”
The Star designation is the most prestigious safety recognition given by the NCDOL. Companies that qualify for the award have exemplary safety and health programs in place that serve as models for other businesses. There are currently 147 Carolina Star sites throughout the state, with a mere 18 of those being public sector.
“Congratulations to the city of Mount Airy on their seventh consecutive Public Sector Star recertification,” said Labor Commissioner Josh Dobson. “Since 1996 they have remained a constant example for others in the program of what it takes to be a public sector star site.”
Carolina Star sites must meet a set of stringent criteria to participate in the Star Program. Public Sector Star sites tend to face challenges that private companies do not. One such challenge for the city of Mount Airy is not only ensuring the safety and health of their employees, but also ensuring the safety and protection of the residents of Mount Airy.
“The rate requirement for Carolina Star Program participation requires that each participant’s most recent three-year average for both the total recordable case (TRC) rates and cases with days away from work, job transfer or restriction (DART) rates be at least half of most recent published federal BLS rates for their industry,” Smith said. “Meeting the rigorous Carolina Star Program requirements is a testament to the commitment and dedication of the city of Mount Airy at providing city employees with the safest possible work environment. Over the years, the Carolina Star Program has expanded to include the Public Sector Star Program which is a program specially designed for organizations in the public sector. The city of Mount Airy has since transitioned into status as a Public Sector Star participant. We are extremely proud to partner with the city of Mount Airy in protecting the workers in the city and throughout the state of North Carolina.”