A national campaign to promote workplace safety and health has been declared in North Carolina for the week of Aug. 10–16 by Gov. Roy Cooper and in conjunction with NCDOL, the state’s lead agency for workplace safety and health. The federal “Safe + Sound” campaign, promoted each August, encourages every business to develop a safety and health program to ultimately eliminate hazards and prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities in the workplace.
“We are pleased with the proclamation issued by Gov. Roy Cooper recognizing ‘Safe + Sound Week’ once again in North Carolina,” Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry said. “Given the current situation with the pandemic, safety and health has never been more important than it is today, and it must be constantly in the forefront of our minds not only in the workplace but in our daily tasks. I challenge all North Carolina businesses to register as participants in the 2020 program.”
Businesses can register for the program by visiting the OSHA website. Last year, more than 3,300 businesses across the country participated to help raise awareness. North Carolina currently has 61 businesses registered for the 2020 campaign.
“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic highlights the critical importance for North Carolina employers to develop and implement effective safety and health programs for their workplaces,” said Kevin Beauregard, director of the state OSH Division. “This week we celebrate the successes of those businesses that have already implemented safety and health programs in the workplace and strongly encourage other businesses to do the same.”
The OSH Division has developed many tools and resources that are available for employers and employees on the NCDOL website including important guidance information associated with COVID-19 prevention measures that should be implemented.
If your organization is participating this year, be sure to use #SafeAndSoundWeek on social media. For more information on the campaign, visit OSHA’s website.