Does "Subpart J - Ship's Machinery and Piping Systems" Apply to You?

Subpart J provides the requirements for ship's boilers, piping systems, propulsion machinery and deck machinery.  According to scope and application of subpart, it applies to ship repairing and shipbuilding but not to shipbreaking. Do employees conduct ship repairing operations related to boilers, piping systems, propulsion machinery and/or deck machinery? Do employees conduct shipbuilding operations related to boilers, piping systems, propulsion machinery and/or deck machinery? If you said yes to either question, then this subpart applies to you. Click on the appropriate tabs below for more information. 

Subpart J - Ship's Machinery and Piping Systems

Tab/Accordion Items

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ship's boilers. This standard applies to ship repairing and shipbuilding but not to shipbreaking. It provides the requirements for protecting employees performing work in the fire, steam, or water spaces of a boiler where employees may be subject to injury from the direct escape of a high temperature medium such as steam, or water, oil, or other medium at a high temperature entering from an interconnecting system. These include locking and tagging of valves, draining connections, and posting warning signs while work is being done. It also requires that you comply with the standard on control of hazardous energy (lockout/tags-plus) when locking and tagging.

More information can be found on the A-Z safety and health topics page for lockout/tagout.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ship's piping systems. This standard applies to ship repairing and shipbuilding but not to shipbreaking. It provides the requirements for protecting employees (i.e., locking and tagging, drain connections) performing work on a valve, fitting, or section of piping in a piping system where employees may be subject to injury from the direct escape of steam, or water, oil, or other medium at a high temperature. It also requires that you comply with the standard on control of hazardous energy (lockout/tags-plus) when locking and tagging.

More information can be found on the A-Z safety and health topics page for lockout/tagout.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ship's propulsion machinery. This standard applies to ship repairing and shipbuilding but not to shipbreaking. It provides the safety measures for work being performed on the main engine, reduction gear, or connecting accessories. It includes engaging the jacking gear to prevent the main engine from turning over, posting warning signs, locking and tagging valves or circuits to the jacking gear, and ensuring employees, equipment, and tools are clear of engine, reduction gear, connecting accessories and propeller before turning engine over. It also requires that you comply with the standard on control of hazardous energy (lockout/tags-plus) when locking and tagging.

More information can be found on the A-Z safety and health topics page for lockout/tagout.

If yes, then you need to comply with the standard on ship's deck machinery. This standard applies to ship repairing and shipbuilding but not to shipbreaking. It provides the safety measures for work performed on the anchor windlass or any of its attached accessories.