Does "Safety and Health Programs and Committees" Apply to You?

Do you have an experience rate modifier of 1.5 or higher? If yes, then you need to comply with the state-specific standard on safety and health programs and committees (13 NCAC 7A. 0600 - .0606). Note: This state-specific standard applies to all industries in North Carolina with a high experience rate modifier.

This North Carolina state-specific standard requires businesses with a workers’ compensation experience rate modifier (ERM) of 1.5 or higher to improve their workplace safety and health efforts by establishing a safety and health program. It provides requirements pertaining to written safety and health programs (i.e., workplace inspections, accident investigations, safe work practices), selection of safety committees, safety and health committee requirements, training and education, and reports. 

Experience rate modifier - An ERM [AKA - (EMR) experience modification rate] is a rate modifier used to establish a company's insurance premium for worker's compensation (WC). It is based on your past three years (skipping the most current year in effect) of WC claims history for injuries and illnesses. An ERM of 1.0 represents an average claims history as compared to the industry rate for a company and it can go up or down based on your claims history. The more claims you have, the higher your ERM and the more you pay in WC premiums. If you have fewer claims, the lower your ERM and the less you pay in WC premiums. Although, the NC Department of Labor has no direct connection to workers’ compensation insurance, they do offer a free, confidential, on-site service available to assist employers in identifying and eliminating hazards at their jobsite.  You may request this service by completing this webform.