CFR 122A - General industry Health and Safety Standards Applicable to Construction Work Subpart K, 29 CFR 1926--Electrical
CFR 122A - General industry Health and Safety Standards Applicable to Construction Work Subpart K, 29 CFR 1926--Electrical
CFR 122A - General industry Health and Safety Standards Applicable to Construction Work Subpart K, 29 CFR 1926--Electrical
On June 30, 1993, (58 FR 35076), OSHA promulgated a final rule to incorporate the text of the Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (29 CFR 1910) which had been identified as applicable to construction work into the Safety and Health Standards for Construction (29 CFR 1926). On August 12, 1996, (61 FR 41738), OSHA issued an amendment to delete the text that was incorporated from §§1910.333 - Electrical, Selection and use of work practices and 1910.334 - Use of equipment (Subpart S - Electrical) into paragraphs (a)(4), (f) and (g) of §§1926.416 - Electrical, General requirements, and paragraph (d) of §§1926.417 - Electrical, Lockout and tagging of circuits (Subpart K - Electrical). The August 12, 1996, amendment was adopted verbatim in North Carolina by the Commissioner of Labor with an effective date of February 11, 1997.
Also reference General Industry Standards Referenced in Construction, CFR 110 - Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices; Final Rule provides the promulgation of the rule, CFR 110A - Electrical Standards and CFR 122 - Incorporation of General Industry Safety and Health Standards Applicable to Construction Work and Technical Amendments. Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topics page for Electrical Safety.