CFR 109 - Excavations: Final Rule
CFR 109 - Excavations: Final Rule
CFR 109 - Excavations: Final Rule
On October 31, 1989, OSHA amended its Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR 1926.650, Subpart P at 54 FR 45194 (Federal Register). The existing standards regulate the use of support systems, sloping and benching systems and other systems as means of protection against excavation cave-ins. Additionally, the standards regulate the means of access to and egress from excavations, and employee exposure to vehicular traffic, falling loads, hazardous atmospheres, water accumulation, and unstable structures in and adjacent to excavations. The revised standard uses performance criteria where possible, rather than specification requirements; it consolidates and simplifies many of the existing provisions; adds and clarifies definitions, reformats the standard to eliminate duplicate provisions and ambiguous language; provides a consistent method of soil classification; and gives employers added flexibility in providing protection to employees. The original effective date was 2 January 1990; the extended effective date is 5 March 1990. The effective date in North Carolina is 3 September 1990.
Also reference CPL 02-00-161 - National Emphasis Program: Trenching and Excavation, SN 61 - Residential Construction - Foundation or Basement Excavations and CPL 02-00-165 - Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR 1926, Subpart P. Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topic page for Excavation and Trenching. To determine if this applies, go to Does "Subpart P - Excavations" Apply to You?.