CFR 121E - General Working Conditions in Shipyards 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1915


CFR 121E - Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment 29 CFR 1915; General Working Conditions in Shipyards

PDF • 8.52 MB - December 29, 2022

On May 2, 2011, OSHA revised its standards on general working conditions in shipyard employment (Federal Register). These revisions update existing requirements to reflect advances in industry practices and technology, consolidate some general safety and health requirements into a single subpart, and provide protection from hazards not addressed by existing standards, including the control of hazardous energy, medical services and first aid, sanitation, housekeeping, motor vehicle safety and lighting. The N.C. Commissioner of Labor adopted this final rule verbatim with an effective date of October 31, 2011. The shipyard standards only apply to public sector employees in North Carolina.

In North Carolina, the OSH Division has authority over public sector shipyard employment activities on inspected vessels if the work is performed by public sector shipyard employees (non-crew members). The U.S. Coast Guard regulates working conditions for seamen (crew members) on inspected vessels while Federal OSHA has authority to cite private sector shipyard employment activities on inspected vessels if the work is performed by shipyard employees (non-crew members).

On uninspected vessels, the OSH Division has authority to cite public sector shipyard employers for all working conditions. The OSH Division can also cite the owners or operators of uninspected vessels for violations involving shipbuilding, shipbreaking, and ship repair operations regardless of whether the work is performed by seamen (crew members) or by non-crew members unless the hazards are covered by U.S. Coast Guard regulations.

Also reference CFR 121C - Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment 29 CFR 1915; 29 CFR 1915.501-.509, CFR 121D - Updating National Consensus Standards for Shipyard Employment, CFR 121B - Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment 29 CFR 1915, FOM Chapter 18 - Maritime Inspection Procedures and CFR 121F - General Working Conditions in Shipyards 29 CFR Parts 1910.

Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topics pages for Lockout/Tagout, Medical Services and First Aid, and Walking and Working Surfaces.

First Published
Last Updated