CFR 118 - Permit-Required Spaces for General Industry; Final Rule


CFR 118 - Permit-Required Spaces for General Industry; Final Rule

PDF • 82.53 KB - December 19, 2022

On January 14, 1993, Federal OSHA promulgated a new occupational safety and health standard for General Industry (Federal Register). This new standard, Permit-Required Confined Spaces for General Industry - 29 CFR 1910.146, became effective April 15, 1993. This final rule at 29 CFR 1910 Subpart J was adopted verbatim in North Carolina by the Commissioner of Labor with an effective date of July 14, 1993. 

Also reference CFR 118A - Permit-Required Spaces for General Industry; Correction, CFR 118B - Permit-Required Spaces for General Industry; Correction, CFR 118C - Permit-Required Spaces for General Industry; Correction, CPL 02-00-100 Application of the Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard, 29 CFR 1910.146, SN 67 - applicability of the Permit Required Confined Space Standard, 29 CFR 1910.146, to Concrete Mixing Trucks, and SN 54 - Standby Personnel at Telecommunications Manhole. Additional information and resources can be found on the safety and health topic page for Confined Spaces. To identify whether this rule applies, go to "Do you have permit-required confined spaces?".

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